Hoy os traigo un lesson plan para la primera etapa de primaria (2º de Primaria) acerca de las diferentes estaciones y prendas de vestir, lo realicé durante mi Practicum III y el alumnado disfrutó mucho sobre todo por ¡lo mucho que cantamos y reímos! A continuación el lesson plan:

1. Start your class asking your students to name the 4 seasons and then write them on your blackboard.
2. Ask your students to name some characteristics about the 4 seasons.
3. Write down each season headingh some clothes that you wear in each of the seasons.
WINTER: Gloves, mittens, scarf, hat, coat, boots...
SUMMER: Shorts, flip-flops, swimsuit, dress, sandals, top ...
AUTUMN: Jeans, shirt, cardigan, jacket
SPRING: T-Shirt, skirt, blouse ...
4. Then, ask your students and interact with them:
- What do you wear when it's ______?
- In which season are we now?
- In which season do you wear _____?
5. Time to learn a song! (Need some clothing flashcard to do this activity)
It is winter, it is winter
wear your _____ (show the flashcard with the clothing item). Wear your ____
wearing winter clothing
when the weather's colder
keeps you warm, keeps you warm!
6. Show your students different clothing flashcards and ask them in which part of the body the clothing is worn on.
7. Show them the flashcards and students must point silently to the part of their bodies that corresponds to that article of clothing.
8. Time to play a game! Go onto this link and have fun with your class sorting out some winter/summer clothing :)
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